01761 472 524


Vauxhall C20XE Reprofiled Piper camshafts ARE007 (drop in) +25bhp gain



This set of camshafts have been devoloped by us at Anderson racing engines,

this profile is a drop in basis camshaft set, using an oem type engine meaning the camshafts will simply drop in on the standard pulleys / valve train and standard pistons,

we have seen +25 bhp gain on all healthy engines

a very cheap power upgrade for your Vauxhall C20XE engine


in the drop down menu, you will find us to supply Used GM camshafts with the ARE007 profile,

or you send your used GM camshafts in exchange please send to


Anderson Racing Engines,

Unit 8D Timsbury IND EST,




The machine work is carried out by piper camshafts


send your camshafts in exchange?: NO
